As adult amateurs we are already juggling enough. A job (often more than one), a life (what's that?!) and horses. We do not need to add any more stress or confusion to the mix. I'm here to share all of my tricks, tips, hacks, struggles and more, so that hopefully I can save you at least one adult amateur headache!

Click here for a peek at my faves ↓

Horse girls don't gate keep, it's hard enough out there.

Click the photos to learn about my daily must-haves.

My essentials

The boys' shine comes from within. Flaxen Flow is the absolute best! Check it out over at Horse Guard!

Flaxen Flow

Ocelot has a 10/10 jump in there, we need a pad that stays with him but is not stiff. EcoGold's Secure Hunter Pad is our go-to! 

 Secure Hunter Pad

Versatile, comfortable, flattering. Say no more. Check them out at BOTORI! 

Kate Riding Tights

Easy to apply, great coverage, SPF. Everything you need. Check it out at URGO Beauty

Best Day BB Cream

I can't live without daily planning so I developed a digital daily planning page for equestrians!

Everyone has a place in our community

Horses teach us to be creative and adaptable. 

You don't have to enter the show ring to be successful.

I believe:




Want more? My best stuff is on the blog. Come join us and check it out!

The blog