Winter Grooming Hacks You Don’t Want To Miss

Winter time is the pits, for many reasons, but to name a few … shortened days, cold, mud. If you don’t have access to hot water during the colder months bathing is in fact impossible. Even for those with access to hot water, if your horse is not body clipped, bathing is a nearly impossible solution. I say nearly impossible because places like Tennessee will have randomly sunny, pretty, 60-degree-days in January which makes for a small window of opportunity for a traditional bath. So how are you supposed to stay up to date with your grooming? Let me share some hacks I’ve developed over the years with you! 😉

  1. Elbow Grease. Yes, that’s right. The good ole curry session. Some of my favorite tools for currying are from Epona. They include the Flower Groomer and the Gummy Scrubby. Enzo’s favorite curry tool is actually a basic mane and tail brush like this one!
  2. Covering Up. Blankets not only keep our ponies warm but they also protect them (mostly) from the mud and yuck. Nothing is nicer than unwrapping a completely mud free Enzo before a hack. Trust me he is an absolute piggy!
  3. Ditch The Water. Who said you have to have water to bathe? No one. My all-time favorite waterless shampoo is the E3 Argan Oil Waterless Shampoo. It smells absolutely divine.
  4. Hair Needs Moisture Too. Coat moisturizers are key in the winter months. We focus so much on drying we forget about the need to provide their coats and skin with moisture. These sprays also often help wick away some dust and dirt too. My all-time, tried and true coat moisturizing spray is the Healthy Hair Care Pink Stuff.
  5. Hot Toweling. This is probably the most labor intensive alternative to a standard soap and water bath. With that aside the results are incredible! I feel like another blog post is needed to really delve into how to get the best results with this technique.

Have a technique I didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments. Don’t forget to use code Oxers2 when you shop at Farm House Tack (PS: Shipping is free on orders $50+!)!

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