Equine EQ-spenses: Top 5 Equestrian Splurge-Worthy Purchases

I went over the top 5 equestrian splurge-worthy purchases for riders, now lets look at items worth heavy spending for our equine partners!

1. Blankets

You might be thinking, but my horses destroy blankets. Yes, mine too, remember Enzo is still in his toddler phase. However, purchasing high quality blankets are proven to be worth the investment. My personal favorite are the SmartPak Ultimate Blankets. Did you know these blankets come with a TEN YEAR indestructible guarantee?! Yes, you read that right. One blanket, guaranteed for 10 years from the original purchase! They have turnout blankets, stable sheets, turnout sheets to choose from. Ocelot, Enzo and I all give this investment 10/10 stars! They do have a ultimate fly sheet which comes with a 3 year durability guarantee – which is amazing because I have never had a fly sheet last more than one season!

“We are so confident in the toughness and durability of the SmartPak Ultimate Turnout Blanket that if anything happens to this blanket within 10 years of your purchase, we’ll exchange it for a new one in the same size – no matter what! It’s that easy.
However, please note the guarantee does not cover blankets that have embroidery stitched anywhere other than the surcingle straps, as it compromises the integrity of the blanket.” 

2. Horse Show Shavings

In my opinion, the limit does not exist on horse show shavings. Why? Well first of all most horses would not choose to be at a horse show over lounging in their paddocks. Secondarily, they are stressful. Lastly, your horse is likely to be more tired than normal so it is the least we can do to make their stalls extra soft and fluffy. It brings me great joy to watch my horses get to a horse show and make their “first fluff” of their extra cushioned stalls. This is another hands down splurge in my book.

3. UlcerGard and GastroGuard

First, I have absolutely no working relationship with Ulcergard. Usually, when something is significantly more expensive – in the medical field – there is a reason. Often it is either name brand and/or significantly superior to alternative options. Okay, so why is Ulcergard worth splurging over the cheaper generic omeprazole pastes? It is not the medication itself, omeprazole is omeprazole. It is a proton pump inhibitor that blocks the proton pump and reduces the secretion of acid. Ulcergard is superior and worth the extra cash because it is formulated to survive the high acid of the equine’s stomach. This formulation allows the medication to adequately treat the stomach as well as the pylorus. Compounding omeprazole is not the same as GastroGuard and UlcerGuard. Compounded medications are not FDA regulated which means the quality, safety and effectiveness is not confirmed by the FDA. UlcerGuard and GastroGuard are both FDA approved, UlcerGuard for the prevention of ulcers in horses and GastroGuard for the treatment of ulcers in horses. An important dosing fact is that UlcerGard has 4 preventative doses for a 1,000 lb horse. That’s right so big ole’ Enzo gets two doses for prevention instead of 1. Horse Girls don’t gate keep either, the best deal in town on Ulcergard is from SmartPak, autoship and save PLUS USEF discount for $37.72 a tube!

4. Saddle

If you are actively riding an appropriate saddle becomes the most important piece of tack. The saddle first and foremost should fit your horse. Second, it should fit you. Now, I’m not saying go out and purchase a brand, new custom saddle. I’m saying that to spend a bit more on a saddle that fits you and your horse is 100% worth it. Its important to recognize our horses can change and so do we. Be sure to not forget to check your saddle fit a few times a year. Leatherwork is often an area of where you get what you pay for. Quality leather costs more. Quality leather lasts longer. Saddles are true investments so while at first glance the ticket price is astronomical, when you do the math it really is not that bad! When I got Enzo I had to get a new saddle, which interestingly enough ended up fitting Ocelot better than my previous saddle. When I do the math of what that saddle has cost me per month since I bought it, it is around $75 a month – well worth it!

5. Wormer

I’m sure you’ve all seen the $2.99 ivermectin paste sales – I won’t name names of where I’ve seen them offered. And I just aged myself… However, it is important to note there are ascarids (worms) who are resistant to ivermectin. Due to this resistance you should splurge ever so slightly on the broader spectrum options for $10-15 more. Alternative options to plain ivermectin are Zimecterin Gold which includes a second agent praziquantel ($15.99), Quest Plus ($19.69), and Panacur ($9.95).

Have another recommended “splurge-worthy” purchase for your equine friend? Let us know in the comments!

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