Truthfully, I’m not huge fan of Valentine’s Day. Human-PDA makes me v uncomfortable. On the other hand, horse-PDA is totally acceptable. Want to make the day special for your horse to try to forget all of the human love in the air? Well this is the blog post for you! Gift for You You know […]

Valentine’s Day … but make it Horse Girl

Meet Our Guest Blogger Hi I’m Amy, IG handle: @amyrose__9! I’m a former aspiring professional equestrian turned adult amateur. I now spend my days as a physician assistant treating patients by day and running to the barn to ride! After turning 30 years old this past year, I was finally able to buy my first horse after […]

Productivity Planning: How to Make Every Ride Count

Water. This is a substance that is talked about as much as poop in the equestrian world, #iykyk. The two actually go hand-in-hand. In the winter every equestrian starts obsessively worrying about their horses input and output. We’ve all noticed that our horses tend to drink less water in the winter months. Why is that? […]

Water in the Winter

Winter time is the pits, for many reasons, but to name a few … shortened days, cold, mud. If you don’t have access to hot water during the colder months bathing is in fact impossible. Even for those with access to hot water, if your horse is not body clipped, bathing is a nearly impossible […]

Winter Grooming Hacks You Don’t Want To Miss

Get ready, these sales are some you are not going to want to miss! BOTORI: Wednesday, 11/22/2023 through Monday, 11/27/2023 automatic 20% off sitewide, can be combined with my discount code OXERS10 to increase to 25% off sitewide. If that wasn’t good enough, if you spend over $175 you will receive free shipping (US only) […]


Gift giving is one of my favorite things. However, I am the world’s biggest procrastinator to purchasing though. No seriously. Susan always gets her birthday, Christmas, Mother’s Day gifts like 1-2 weeks after the fact – ask my husband. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are quickly approaching. With that said, I wanted to post a […]

Oxers2Oncology’s First Annual Holiday Gift Guide

Every year I have been fortunate enough to qualify and go to National Horse Show it has been such a surreal feeling. Pre-2020 Sarah dreamt of qualifying for the THIS NHS Adult Medal but definitely had doubts of it ever happening for her. I remember the inaugural year thinking, “yes, this is my goal.” What […]

National Horse Show 2023

Going to a horse show is stressful enough. No need for packing to add to that stress pot. Over the past 7 years I have learned things that add and detract from the baseline jitters most of us experience leading up to and/or at a show. Without further ado here’s some of my tips for […]

Horse Shows Packing aka Moving Your Entire Barn for a Weekend

Unpopular opinion, I find body clipping relaxing. Well, let me clarify: I find body clipping relaxing on horses who do not dis-enjoy being clipped. How about that? The best way to achieve great results is to be consistent and use the same or at least similar approach each time. Below I’ll share my “guide” to […]

Body Clipping 101

How many gray lovers do we have here? Chrome lovers? Paint lovers? Probably a few. I specifically requested no chrome when shopping for my second equine but alas here we are, 4 white socks. Luckily, through my time at my barn I got a front row seat to one of my barnmate’s keeping her paint […]

Why are White Socks Never White?