With my attention focused solely on Enzo now I am going to work on journaling our journey on the blog! The first two years were a lot of partnership development and figuring out the basics, like how to pick up the canter. Seriously. If you’re new here I bought Enzo as a 3 year old […]

Enzo’s Era: Tryon May 2024

By Guest Blogger Amy Benenson If you’re like me, you’re already trying to figure out how to afford the summer show season that’s fast approaching. If you’re unlike me, you already have everything planned out and you have decided to take a leap of faith and trade your AirBNB for RV accommodations. During the height […]

AirBnB to RV: The Horse Show Edition

Every year I have been fortunate enough to qualify and go to National Horse Show it has been such a surreal feeling. Pre-2020 Sarah dreamt of qualifying for the THIS NHS Adult Medal but definitely had doubts of it ever happening for her. I remember the inaugural year thinking, “yes, this is my goal.” What […]

National Horse Show 2023

Going to a horse show is stressful enough. No need for packing to add to that stress pot. Over the past 7 years I have learned things that add and detract from the baseline jitters most of us experience leading up to and/or at a show. Without further ado here’s some of my tips for […]

Horse Shows Packing aka Moving Your Entire Barn for a Weekend

So you might have seen my blog on horse show costs, primarily comparing that of a local to a rated horse show. If you missed it, check it out here. To summarize, a local show will cost around the $250 mark while a rated show will be closer to $600. These numbers are without training, […]

Accessibility: Horse Show Edition – A Follow Up

You’ve read about wardrobe hacks and lesson costs on my Instragram posts. Now, you’re ready to test your skills at a show. What are your options? Well, you can go to a local show or a rated show. For a local show I will share the math for River Glen affiliated with Tennessee Valley Hunter Jumper […]

Accessibility: Horse Show Edition