Going to a horse show is stressful enough. No need for packing to add to that stress pot. Over the past 7 years I have learned things that add and detract from the baseline jitters most of us experience leading up to and/or at a show. Without further ado here’s some of my tips for […]

Horse Shows Packing aka Moving Your Entire Barn for a Weekend

Unpopular opinion, I find body clipping relaxing. Well, let me clarify: I find body clipping relaxing on horses who do not dis-enjoy being clipped. How about that? The best way to achieve great results is to be consistent and use the same or at least similar approach each time. Below I’ll share my “guide” to […]

Body Clipping 101

How many gray lovers do we have here? Chrome lovers? Paint lovers? Probably a few. I specifically requested no chrome when shopping for my second equine but alas here we are, 4 white socks. Luckily, through my time at my barn I got a front row seat to one of my barnmate’s keeping her paint […]

Why are White Socks Never White?

So you might have seen my blog on horse show costs, primarily comparing that of a local to a rated horse show. If you missed it, check it out here. To summarize, a local show will cost around the $250 mark while a rated show will be closer to $600. These numbers are without training, […]

Accessibility: Horse Show Edition – A Follow Up

I get this question a lot – “why a young horse?” At first it was the answer you suspect – budget. I did not have the budget to go out and purchase a quality, finished A/O hunter without major “holes” as my second horse. I feel like shopping for horses is a three legged stool […]

So Why a Young Horse?

You’ve read about wardrobe hacks and lesson costs on my Instragram posts. Now, you’re ready to test your skills at a show. What are your options? Well, you can go to a local show or a rated show. For a local show I will share the math for River Glen affiliated with Tennessee Valley Hunter Jumper […]

Accessibility: Horse Show Edition

No adult ammy life is the same and I think that’s what makes us a cool “breed.” We have some who are in their equestrian era, some in their professional (career-wise not riding, come on now we’re amateurs) era, some in their parenting era, and some in eras in between. Yes, that was a Taylor […]

Adult Ammy Life – A Balancing Act

Thrush. What is it? Good question. Thrush is an infection of the frog of the horses hoof which typical causes foul-smelling (you remember this smell forever) with a variation of discharge colors, most commonly thick and black. Thrush can be caused by bacteria OR fungus – which can make it tricky to treat. What predisposes […]

Summer Time and that Means … Thrush Season